General Description

The optimization of materials and components procurement using AI applications is an important aspect of industrial production planning. The use of AI can help consider multiple factors and variables to generate an optimized Materials Requirements Planning (MRP). Here’s an overview of the approach and tools involved:

AI Applications for Materials and Components Procurement:

  • AI algorithms will be employed to consider various sources of materials, global plant production capacity, delivery times, lot capacity, scale prices, energy consumption, stocks, and other relevant factors.
  • These applications will aim to generate an MRP that meets customer delivery dates while minimizing raw and final product stocks.

Fast Calculation and Daily Updates:

  • The AI applications will perform calculations in short periods of time to keep the materials plan updated daily.
  • This enables quick reactions and increased resiliency to unexpected changes in industrial production plans.

FACOP Framework for Combinatorial Optimization Problems:

The existing FACOP framework will be utilized as a central tool for optimizing the MRP.

FACOP follows a modular approach, where an optimization problem is disaggregated into different components, and combinations of these components are used to solve various optimization problems.

The framework provides flexibility, reusability of compatible components, and efficient development of new components.

Development of MRP Calculation Components:

Within the FACOP framework, a series of components will be developed specifically for MRP calculation.

These components will handle the integration of multiple data sources, consider various constraints and objectives, and generate an optimized MRP plan.

In summary, AI applications will be utilized to optimize materials and components procurement by considering multiple factors. The FACOP framework will serve as the foundation for the optimization process, allowing the development of specific components for MRP calculation. This approach enables efficient and flexible development, as well as the reuse of compatible components to solve different optimization problems.